Jedi H4 MPHV Tank with Shields - RoHS
2266521-6 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- Does not contain any dirt, dust, visible oils, lint, fibers, rust, chips and other contaminants
- Accurate, advanced and sensitive
- Safe packages providing basic protection from moisture, crushing, paint scuffing, corrosion, temperature and other product specific needs as required
- Reliable and durable
Product Overview
The Jedi H4 MPHV Tank with Shields - RoHS is the assembly part of the VCT and Pro32 gantry common rotating assembly, which is used in the Light Speed 7 x CT scanner. It is placed on the VCT and Pro32 gantry frame. It consists of an H4 MPHV tank and X-ray tube field strapping kit. The Jedi-HP generator produces a mono-polar high voltage needed for the Hercules mono-polar X-ray tube. It consists of the following sub-assemblies: monopolar high voltage tank, inverter, auxiliaries (rotor control, filament drive, and LVPS400). The high voltage tank is a monopolar tank, which is made up of 3 transformers a main high voltage transformer to supply an X-ray tube with a DC high voltage and 2 filament transformers to supply current to a large and a small filament of the tube. The cooling has to allow a cover’s temperature < 60° C for 12 kW average power. The X-ray tube field strapping kit is comprised of a plastic strap, strap buckle and polyethylene zip lock bag. This product is RoHS compliant and is approved for today’s safety standards. The product is tested to work at extreme atmospheric conditions. It is diligently designed for high performance and reliability.