Timing Belt - 180 Groove
2178678 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Outright |
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- Single Sided Timing Belt
- High Wear and Tear Resistance
- Strong Neoprene Material
- Fiberglass Tension Members
Product Overview
This single sided timing belt is a flexible belt with teeth moulded onto its inner surface which are used to transmit motion between two or more shafts coupled with toothed pulleys that are often parallel to each other. This drive belt is made up of strong Neoprene material and comes with fiberglass tension members that strenghten the overall load transmission capability of the belt. The 0.250 inch wide belt comes with 0.080 inch tooth pitch and is designed for good torque transmission. The 180 teethed profile of the belt reduces slipping and provides accurate and precise motion transmission. The tooth design of this belt substantially improves stress distribution and allows extra high loading. The molded teeth enter and leave the sprocket grooves smoothly with negligible friction—functioning in much the same way as teeth on a gear without making much noise. This timing belt can be used in Tilt Pot assemblies of GE's PET/CT Systems.