Air Flow 79.4 CFM 115V 60Hz
2125040 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- Made of high quality material
- Good structural design
- High flow of air
- Easy to assemble and disassemble
Product Overview
The Air Flow unit consists of a fan assembly. The cooling fan consists of a DC brushless motor. The bracket and fan frame are manufactured using a high grade plastic material which has good mechanical properties like rigidity, tensile and impact strength which ensures a long-life span for the components. The housing is made of aluminum material having characteristics like corrosion resistance, good dimensional stability and fatigue endurance. The ball bearings used in the fan assembly have excellent fatigue life. The fan assembly has very low acoustic emission ensuring a very low operating noise. All the parts in the assembly are manufactured using high precision techniques which helps to achieve a good surface finish as well as good product consistency. The high dimensional stability of the parts ensure their perfect fit as per the requirement. All the parts are free from burrs or sharp edges enhancing the safety aspect of the assembly. The electrical connections are connected through pins.